Palo Santo Oil from Holy Wood to Calm and Relax You

Palo Santo oil supplies your skin rich lots of great nutrition, giving it the raw materials it needs to regenerate problem areas or damaged skin.

Therefore, it can help with such conditions as: brown spots, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, scars, sun damage, and age hyperpigmentation.

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) is an essential oil. Therefore, it is for external use only, not for internal consumption. Also, it is too strong to apply directly onto your skin. Mix two drops of it into a teaspoon of a carrier oil, such as coconut, olive, or jojoba oils.

The name means “Holy Wood” or “Sacred Wood” in Spanish. It was named by the conquistadores. The Incans and various shamans in the dry areas close to the Pacific in South America used it, including to ground and clear the energy fields of their bodies.

It helps to calm and relax you, to put you into a good mood. Use a diffuser to spray it around you just before you meditate.

One prominent ingredient is limonene, which is a natural purifier. This makes it good to diffuse into the air of your home during the winter months when you and your family are more exposed and vulnerable to respiratory infections.

Its calming effect can help with meditation, and also calming. Spray it into the air before a session of work, when it helps you concentrate and be more creativity. It’s uplifting, and leads to spiritual fulfillment.

It’s effective to use just through palm inhalation. You just put a drop or two on your palms, rub them together, hold them close to your nose, then sniff it in.

It mixes well with frankincense, sandalwood, cedarwood, black pepper, clary sage, cypress, douglas fir, lemon balm, myrhh, and vetiver. It’s also good for using in a diffuser.

Add a few drops to a cold compress to help relieve and relax any part of the body.

You can also add a few drops to a vaporizor or other steaming water to spread the aroma in a way that will help soothe and relax and purify your lungs.

Add some of it to massage oil to relieve stress in your body.

You can also add a few drops to your bath water to relax your muscle.

The palo santo trees live between eighty and ninety years old.

The oil is extracted from the dead heartwood of the tree trunk by steam distillation or vapor distillation. The oil is extracted from the dead wood, but only when it’s been dead for at least two years. Therefore, it is wildcrafted from dead trees and dead branches that have fallen to the ground.

Somehow, wood that has died naturally undergoes a transformation that creates the essential oil. But if the tree or the branch have been killed by simply being chopped down or off, that transformation does not happen. Also, some sources say it requires not two years, but four to ten years before the essential oil extracted has the full range of physical and spiritual properties.

This helps ensure the demand for this oil does not result in overharvesting. If you kill or destroy a tree today, you still cannot get the oil for at least another two years, discouraging the fast money.

In Ecuador, the main country where it’s grown, it’s against the law to kill palo santo trees, and the harvesting of the dead trees is regulated. It also grows in Peru and the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Northern Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, the Brazilian Mato Grosso, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, and on the Galápagos Islands.

The government of Peru also forbids the cutting of live trees, and governs the collection of sticks and branches off the ground.

Only a few companies have the legal right to touch these trees.

The oil has a thin consistency, and is yellow to light brown in color.

It is not only anti-inflammatory, but antiseptic and antibacterial.

Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.

In Ecuador, people have also used it to repel mosquitoes by burning the wood. It also kills ticks.

Shaman burn sticks of it to clear energy and protect against evil spirits.

Besides limonene, it contains various other terpines, such as alpha terpine. Menthofuran, carvone, germacrene D, muurolene and pulegone.

The fruit of this tree a small black seed covered by a red pulp in a green capsule with two halves. When ripe, the two halves of the capsule fall off. That leaves behind the fruit.

Because it relaxes you, applying palo santo to your skin prior to bedtime can help you go to sleep more easily. Or just put a few drops on your pillow.

You can also use it as an insect repellent. Just use a diffuser to spray it into the air around you when you’re sitting outside on a nice summer evening on your patio or deck.

In 2004 scientists at the University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Japan found other phytochemicals in palo santo. They say these are capable of fighting ancerous cell mutations. 4-aryltetralin-type lignans called burseranin and other isolated triterpenes (lupeol and epi-lupeol) come from the stems of the plants.

These compounds demonstrated inhibitory activity against human cancer and fibrosarcoma cells. Including Triter-pene lupeol compounds.

It is used as an ingredient in cosmetics, as INCI “Bursera graveolens wood oil.” Chemical Abstract Services number 959130-05-3.

Therefore, it is good for skin infections and acne.

Get your Palo Santo oil from Amazon right now.

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